
Muscle Recovery

Muscle Recovery

Muscle Recovery services offered in Long island, Commack, NY

Muscle loss and slow muscle recovery are common problems after an injury and as the body ages. Pepthrive’s experienced medical providers and knowledgeable clinicians, led by Sadaf Jalili, PA-C, are anti-aging and longevity specialists. They use the most innovative natural techniques to recover your lean muscle and regain strength. To learn more about muscle recovery, book your appointment online now or call the Commack office on Long Island, New York.

Muscle Recovery Q & A

What causes muscle loss?

Aging is the most common cause of muscle loss, reports the National Library of Medicine. For most people, muscle loss starts after 30, and you lose up to 8% of your total muscle mass each decade until age 60. After that, you lose muscle at an even faster rate.

But the underlying cause of muscle loss is more complex than that. Growing older doesn’t necessarily have to cause muscle loss. But the changes that happen as you age — especially the loss of hormones like human growth hormone and testosterone — certainly contribute.

Other reasons for muscle loss include athletic overtraining, injuries, and extreme diets, which can affect people of any age. Some conditions, like thyroid disease, malabsorption disorders, and autoimmune conditions like myasthenia gravis, can contribute to muscle loss too.

What is muscle recovery?

Muscle recovery can refer to a couple of things, including:

Rebuilding muscles as you age

Does it seem like your lean muscle is steadily replaced by fat as you age? Human growth hormone and testosterone play necessary roles in metabolism, muscle building, fat burning, and retention of lean muscle, so this problem is quite common as hormone levels decline starting in your 30s and 40s.

Muscle recovery can refer to replenishing those essential substances to rejuvenate your health and restore your lean muscle.

Athletic recovery

Many athletes want to build muscle, but it requires a careful approach. Exercise tears down muscle, but rest allows you to rebuild and grow even stronger.

Muscle recovery can also refer to treatments that help you refuel, rehydrate, reduce inflammation, and regenerate damaged muscles faster after an injury. When you’re building muscle, you need to dedicate the same effort to muscle recovery.

How does muscle recovery work?

The team often prescribes personalized peptide therapy that provides the specific amino acids your body needs to produce HGH and testosterone. The Pepthrive team works closely with a leading compounding pharmacy to create your personalized peptide blend.

In addition to stimulating muscle recovery, custom peptide blends help with weight loss, reducing inflammation, and many other health problems.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy can aid muscle recovery if you’re injured. It uses the healing platelets in your blood to cause a potent injury response, allowing you to heal and rebuild muscle much faster.

Pepthrive is known for full-spectrum health transformations, including safe and rapid muscle recovery. Call the Pepthrive now or click the online scheduler.