
Peptide Therapy

Peptide Therapy

Peptide Therapy services offered in Long island, Commack, NY

Peptide therapy harnesses the power within amino acids to direct and optimize your body’s natural functions. At Pepthrive, Sadaf Jalili, PA-C, and the team of skilled providers and clinicians offer customized peptide injections in the Commack office on Long Island, New York. The team personalizes peptide therapy through the highest quality compounding pharmacies, giving you an exact formula calibrated for your needs. Call the office today or schedule your appointment online.

Peptide Therapy Q & A

What is peptide therapy?

Peptide therapy uses peptides — short-chain amino acids — to stimulate remarkable improvements in health and well-being. Peptides are the foundations of the proteins your body needs to live and function optimally.

You produce peptides naturally, but the amount your body makes decreases as you age. A small amount of peptides comes from the food you eat (the body breaks down the food and creates amino acids during digestion).

Peptide therapy involves the injection of lab-made peptides that are personalized for your body’s needs. It’s the most effective way to supplement low peptide levels.

What can peptide therapy do for me?

Peptide therapy triggers your body’s natural abilities at times when it’s not working at its peak. Each specific peptide has its unique uses. The most common uses include:

Weight loss

The older you get, the more challenging weight loss becomes. But peptide therapy restores the processes that helped your body function better when you were younger.

For example, peptide therapy stimulates your body’s natural production of human growth hormone (HGH) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). This speeds up your metabolism, regulates blood sugar, and helps slow stomach emptying to reduce hunger pangs.

Some data shows that peptide therapy can also reduce plasma peptidase activity, which stops GLP-1 activation in the body. So, peptides work on several levels to stimulate weight loss.

Hormone balance

Hormone levels drop during menopause in women and andropause in men.

Peptide therapy promotes natural testosterone release, which relieves hormone depletion-related problems, including low libido, mood swings, loss of muscle mass, brain fog, aging skin, and hair loss.

These are just two main areas in which peptide therapy can help.

Peptide therapy can also treat:

  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Lyme disease
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Athletic performance and recovery
  • Inflammation
  • Injury recovery

Ultimately, peptide therapy helps you address specific health problems and revitalize overall vitality based on which peptides are used.

How does peptide therapy work?

Injection therapy is the most efficient way to absorb the peptides you need, particularly when you need significant symptom relief.

Pepthrive uses the best compounding pharmacies to create a personalized peptide therapy formula with the specific peptides to help you reach your goals*.

Contact the office now by phone or click the online scheduler to learn more about peptide therapy.

*Personal results may vary.